Saturday 20 September 2008

Blogosphere Icarus

Talk about a disaster this day has been... at least as far as this blog is concerned. In the beginning I couldn't decide on what to do. I used to have a few spare ideas for cases like this, when the mind goes blank. I know I haven't done everything yet but still, at times you can't think of something new. Even so, none of the spare ideas felt fitting for today. They were either not very appealing or impractical to implement.

Anyhow, after a lot of thinking (and after rejecting the idea of composing a definite list of spare ideas for novelties for today's novelty) I decided that I there was nothing better to try today than to fly upwards, towards the blogosphere. As you may be able to tell, this blog isn't very connected with other blogs. In fact, none of the blogs I have or participate in link to any other blog or are heavily commented by people from other blogs. That was not the point, however. The point was not to connect with the rest of the blog community; it was merely to get to know it.

A terrible mistake, if you ask me. Tempting as it is, I'm not referring to the terrible quality of most of the blogs. I'm referring to the fact that after one hour of reading and searching I accomplished next to nothing. I still have no clue about the feel of the general blog community. In fact, I subscribed to a few new blogs, but nothing interesting enough that I can talk about it here.

I tried very hard to find blogs that interested me, about my hobbies and the way I reason. There was nothing coming even close to that. Google Reader's recommendations wasted much time. I even looked at some of the bundles it has to no avail. I have come to question myself, after all this: Are my interests not concrete enough so I can find something I can relate to? Perhaps they are but a shadow in my mind and not real at all? Maybe my personality is so rare in humanity that I can't relate to the thoughts of other people? Or is it just the vastness of the blogosphere that prevented me of finding something really interesting so fast? I guess I'll never know.

Edit: It's amazing how one thing leads to a completely different thing, sometimes. After continuing doing whatever it was I was doing for this novelty, I ended up using the share feature of Google Reader extensively. The result? It's a little something I named my meta-blog. Enjoy!

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